How to get the Radiant Golden Cloud Mount in Lost Ark
Radiant Golden Cloud Mount Radiant Golden Cloud Mount is part of the Glaivier Special Package that you can buy from the in-game store. It is a special...
How to get Roar and Taunt emote in Lost Ark
There are quests that require these emotes which can be exchanged on Freedom Isle by Blackfang (non-rapport). Each taunt is worth 3360 Gienah’s...
I Love/Hate New World (part 2)
Here is the Part 2 article involving my love and hate relationship with the New World MMO (read Part 1 here). Screenshots and videos were contributed by...
I Love/Hate New World (part 1)
New World was launched five months ago and it was also my first time going back into MMO since Maplestory 2. The New World player base has been on the...
Borderlands 3 is cheap on Humble Bundle!
Borderlands is a four player coop shooter set in the planet where players can drop in and out during a playthrough. And each player assumes a character...
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is not “Alien” scary
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a three-player coop/survival game set in the Aliens universe where you play as a colonial marine tasked to investigate a...